Bailey Hall finds her passion in mathematics
Bailey Hall, third year student at Westmont College
April 12, 2023
For third-year Bailey Hall, studying never stops! As a double major in mathematics and data analytics with a biblical languages minor, there is always an assignment to complete, paper to write or exam to study for. Hall is one of Westmont’s prominent STEM students, as well as an active member of the Westmont community through her participation in various organizations such as Res Life.
Hall explains that she has always “been drawn to subjects that involve problem solving” and for her, “math problems feel like puzzles which makes them fun!” During Hall’s first semester at Westmont she took multivariable calculus and general chemistry, and after that semester she decided to major in math. Hall revealed that after she realized the amount of overlap Data Analytics has with Mathematics, she decided to double major.
There are many positives to being a STEM major, and for Hall “being in STEM is very exciting, I feel like there is always new research, results and technology coming out which means STEM fields are always improving and expanding.” She also mentioned that within Westmont’s math and computer science departments, Hall feels “there is a strong sense of comradery since the department is fairly small and there is a lot of overlap in classes we all take.”
Hall’s favorite class has been Discrete Mathematics, as “it was a very interactive class” that allowed her to “easily see how math is applicable to real life and other subjects such as computer science.”
Although Hall loves studying STEM, there are some challenges that come with being a woman in STEM. Hall shared that in her current mathematical analysis course, she is the only female student, which “is at times difficult.” She expressed “I’ve found that often the men would rather discuss with each other first and then explain to me a problem rather than include me in their initial discussion.”
Hall states that “though it is unfortunate that this happens, it has taught me to be more assertive, ask more questions and interject when an initial discussion is happening rather than just expect to be included.”
Hall enjoys connecting with other female STEM students, and has “found it very helpful to find other women in mathematics to talk through negative experiences and how to approach certain situations that may arise in class.” She is also “very grateful to have had intelligent and strong women as mathematics professors.”
After graduation, Hall plans to go to graduate school and get a doctorate in mathematics, either pure mathematics or applied mathematics. After that, she may go into mathematics research or become a professor.